Doc Next Network

A new workshop: HTML5 and open video possibilities

by ZEMOS98

Tienes toda la información en español sobre el taller de HTML5 en la web del CICUS


0. What

“Posibilidades del Open Video y el HTML5” (HTML5 and Open Video possibilities) is a research, educational and work-in-progress project that will be developed using Open Video and the new HTML5 standard.

The main goal of this project is to develop an interactive audiovisual tool for the internet. Contents and developments resulting from the project will be open and free (in the sense of free software).

1. How

This project will make possible to mix and remix video, audio, photos and links using the internet. This project will be a part of the Audiovisual Source Code methodology, so it will develop audiovisual mixtapes from online audiovisual sources. Everything will be online.

2. When

The project has three phases

PHASE 1: Workshop on HTML5 and Open Video, by A Navalla Suiza
12th-14th December 2011 @Sevilla


  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Open Video possibilities
  • Audiovisual Examples
  • Popcorn.js or similar development frameworks

The objective is to develop a simple collaborative audiovisual project in HTML5.


1. Introduction to HTML5: HTML, CSS, Javascript.

2. Online video and audio: why it is important that video and audio were HTML elements, video/audio formats, browsers, interaction with HTML elements.

A. Practice: show a video in a HTML document, check the code and features.

3. Use of javascript to develop video/audio events

B. Practice: Using the native javascript API

4. Frameworks and tools to develop video/audio on the net

5. Use of popcorn.js, $media and audio APIs

C: Practice: Design a collaborative project


PHASE 2: Intensive development of the tool

15th-17th December 2011 @Sevilla


PHASE 3: Presentation of the tool with info/documentation of the development process.

April 2012 @Festival UBICUA 2012 (Sevilla)


A navalla suíza is an Internet communication company focused on web development services, social networks and video-based websites. We also develop digital culture & society contents, in particular those related with digital storytelling and crowdsourcing.


An initiative by ZEMOS98 for the Doc Next Network, supported by  the ECF Youth&Media Programme and CICUS LAb “Sueño Digital” (University of Sevilla)



International call for Political Remix Videos

by ZEMOS98

Tienes toda la información en español sobre esta convocatoria de vídeos de remezcla política en

The call for Political Remix Videos (PVRs) is open until December 25th 2011. EMBED, together with the European Cultural Foundation and the Doc Next Network, call for international PVRs. Works participating will become part of EMBED events. Some of them will be included in the Doc Next Network media collection.



Since last year, EMBED has been collaborating with the Doc Next Network by ZEMOS98 (more info here). EMBED has been researching the narratives and uses of audiovisual remix as a tool of reflecting in a critical way.

Now, this call is looking forward to knowing and cataloguing PVRs.


Rules of participation for international call for PVR

We are searching for audiovisual stories that use images to give people food for thought. We absolutely agree with the definition and editorial guide at


Political Remix Video (PRV) is a genre of transformative DIY media production whereby creators critique power structures, deconstruct social myths and challenge dominate media messages through re-cutting and re-framing fragments of mainstream media and the popular culture.

These remix works have their roots in the tradition {détournement} where artists twist and subvert mass media, re-purposing it to present alternative messages and narratives. Although PRVs vary widely in form, topic and message, they share are a few common aspects.

First, PRVs present political messages. The word «political» in this context refers to works that are critical of not only of political institutions and government policy, but also social and cultural issues like gender, race, sexuality and environment.

Second, PRVs are guerrilla works as they use the appropriation of corporate intellectual property without the permission of the copyright holder. In addition, these remixes are often highly critical of the source media, making the work particularly vulnerable to DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a United States copyright law) takedown notices.

Third, PRV works utilize and embrace dominant media forms as the structure of their alternative messages. These include short news segments, TV ads, speech excerpts, movie trailers and music videos. Unlike most contemporary «video art», remixers are not critiquing sound bite-driven forms of mainstream media through the construction of a non-narrative. Instead, PRVs attempt to form an argument and convey a message in a familiar structure, using the framework as a vehicle to deliver subversive political messages. This makes PRVs accessible to the general public, not just the art world or academics. This accessibility of both form and message is one of the core aspects to the works in this remix genre.

Intellectual property laws are being debated. We defend fair uses and freedom of expression thanks to the rights of quote and parody. This call comes to carry on thinking about these issues which we have already debated within this platform.

In any case, every media-maker participating this call will be responsible for the audiovisual sources and footage he o she is using. So please, keep it in mind when you license your work: quote all sources you used.



All participants (no matter which nationality or how old the media-maker is) can subscribe a maximum of three works (one entry form per each). No matter date of production of the work.


Formats, duration and language

Works entries are ONLY online. You are allowed to use either a platform that lets you license your work or upload it to your own server or share it within a P2P network.

Every digital video format will be taken.

Duration: less than 10 min. (including the final credits).

Language: English or Spanish.



Members of EMBED, the Doc Next Network and some other person invited will be part from the Selection Committee.

The selection will work as a playlist for 2012 events related to EMBED. Every time the selection is screened in the future, every media-maker will be paid with 150 EUR (taxes included) as remuneration for public communication.

Apart from this playlist, works that are: less than 5 min. long, in English or subtitled into English and made by European youngsters (born from 1980 on) could be included within the Doc Next Network media collection.

Selection of works, as well as dates and venues for the screenings, will be published at EMBED.



Media-makers must register through an online form.

Submissions must be accompanied by at least two images (in JPG or PNG format, and at least 720 x 576 pixels).

Participation in this call implies acceptance of these guidelines.



For any questions or suggestions, please contact ZEMOS98 team at



Taller de iniciación al documental DIY

by rubendiaz

Taller de iniciación al documental DIY
Dirigido a todas y todos los que tengan inquietud por el nuevo documental y quieran desarrollar una idea desde un punto de vista personal para ponerla en imágenes. Este taller pretende ser un espacio de aprendizaje, pero también de discusión y experimentación sobre cómo expresar en imágenes cuestiones de género.

Imparte el taller Virginia García del Pino (Barcelona, 1966), directora de cine de no ficción y directora de proyectos del Master de Documental Creativo de la UAB. Licenciada Bellas Artes, su producción como videoartista le acerca al género documental. Sus vídeos surgen de una tentativa de comprender el mundo desde una óptica menos dolorosa, gravitando alrededor de las convenciones sociales de la representación, y es, seguramente, en ese intento de comprensión donde suele optar por una contundente sencillez formal. Muestras de ello son Lo que tú dices que soy, Espacio Simétrico, Mi hermana y yo o Mari Carmen.

*Es una producción de ZEMOS98 con el apoyo de la red Doc Next, del programa Youth&Media de la European Cultural Foundation. Este taller cuenta con la colaboración del I+CAS del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla.

del 29 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre, en horario de mañana.

I+CAS (c/ Torneo, 18 – Monasterio de San Clemente)

Las personas interesadas en participar en el taller, pueden solicitarlo rellenando este breve formulario de inscripción. El plazo terminará el 25 de noviembre a las 15h.

Por qué: Uno de los objetivos principales de la red Doc Next es recopilar documentos de jóvenes realizadores europeos. Lo importante de esta búsqueda son las historias que retratan realidades, por lo general, invisibles en los medios de comunicación dominantes. Por ello, el formato, la calidad o la técnica no son tan relevates como el relato, la biografía, la memoria.

Entre las actividades que ofrece nuestra red, encontramos la media collection, presentaciones y proyecciones, debates e investigaciones y talleres sobre el uso de los medios desde una perspectiva DIY.

Este taller de iniciación al documental DIY busca facilitar la expresión en imágenes en movimiento de esos relatos, biografías y memorias individuales y colectivas. La actitud DIY (Do It Yourself: Hazlo Tú Mismo), con esa contundente sencillez formal que expone Virginia, nos permite contar nuestra propia historia con sensibilidad y construir así nuestra propia visibilidad.


Proyección de cortos de la red Doc Next en el SEFF11

by rubendiaz

Esta tarde a las 19h 17.30h en el I+CAS proyectamos una selección de vídeos pertenecientes a la media collection de la red Doc Next.

Los vídeos que se proyectarán son los siguientes:

A Way by Sergey Kirasyan (Armenia)
Biżuteria Publiczna by Iwo Kondefer (Poland)
Bracia by Emi Mazurkiewicz (Poland)
Ece’esque by Bahar Demirkan, Okyar Igli, Hayati Kose and Morteza Moghaddam (Turkey)
Grown up at age of 11in Macedonia by Vladimir Tevcev (Macedonia)
Guilty until Proven Innocent by Danyal Laskar (UK)
Launderette by Bertie Telezynski and Alex Nevill (UK)
Lost in Translation by Akile Nazli Kaya (Turkey)
Sex Sense by José Manuel Borrego, José Manuel Expósito, Pedro Fernández, Rosario Fernández, Noelia Fernández, Belén Márquez, José Antonio Márquez, Iván Ruiz Vergara and Pablo Domínguez (Spain)
The last communist in Berlin by Robin Meurer (Germany)
TRON by Felipe G. Gil (Spain)
Zero Point by Gjorgje Jovanovic (Macedonia)

¿Nos vemos allí?


“Zombie Girl: The Movie”

by rubendiaz

“Zombie Girl: The Movie” is a feature-length documentary covering the time it took 12-year-old Austin, Texas, filmmaker Emily Hagins to make her zombie movie “Pathogen”. The film also explores the advancements in technology that have made it possible for so many young people to shoot and edit their own movies.


“El sexo sentido” has been awarded PREMIO VISIBILIDART

by rubendiaz

“El sexo sentido” (Sex Sense) is a short documentary about youth, sex, love and fears. This video belongs to Doc Next Network media collection and has been made during the audiovisual workshop ZEMOS98 produced at El Viso del Alcor (Seville, Spain), in the IES Profesor Juan Bautista (June 2011).

We’d like to congratulate the media makers José Manuel Borrego, José Manuel Expósito, Pedro Fernández, Rosario Fernández, Noelia Fernández, Belén Márquez, José Antonio Márquez, Iván Ruiz Vergara, together with the coordination of Pablo Domínguez and Rubén Díaz (both members of ZEMOS98) because of the VISIBILIDART 2011 prize, given by COLEGADES (a LGBT association located in Cádiz, Spain).

The VISIBILIDART prize awards those cultural initiatives that make efforts to eradicate homophobia and to promote democratic values.

“El sexo sentido” has aroused great interest as it was broadcasted in the Spanish National TV (TVE) programme “Cámara Abierta 2.0”:


Recordar.TV, listening to our elders

by rubendiaz

Recordar TV (Remember TV) is an internet television built up from the perspective of the elderly. It aims to encourage digital literacy among this collective, promote their stories, which do not often take part on the net, and also help with the local issues that could be of public interest on the internet. This is an internet television project, therefore we will not only publish videos, we will take advantage as well of the multimedia languages that are possible on the web.

You can find an English version of the project’s dossier here

The elderly of our society have many things to tell us and Recordar TV has a vocation for listening to them. We would like to encourage those stories which are not usually present on the web and look after local worries subject to public interest and also being creative at the same time. And we would like to do it through an internet television. But not just any television on the internet, but one which is made from the perspective of the elderly. For and by them. And, in that way, help out with the digital literacy of this wide social group, which is highly relevant nowadays in the current paradigm in which life expectancy keeps increasing.

The lack of communication of a society with their elders usually is not an issue of age difference, neither it is due to diverse generations not understanding one another. Sometimes it happens that the tools we use to do it are just different. Because growing older not necessarily means stop being young. That is the reason why we want to share the tools that exist nowadays with people that did not have, for whatever reason, the chance to get to know or handle them with ease to make them part of their everyday life.

We are going to explore the lands where languages get mixed up, where prejudices vanish away, where lives cross one another. We are going to play again.

Because it is never too late to learn. And it does not matter how much you know, but how willing you are to keep learning.


¿De qué trata el taller de remezcla en el SEFF?

by rubendiaz

En días anteriores hemos anunciado un nuevo taller de remezcla audiovisual, esta vez en el marco del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla (SEFF). No es la primera vez que hacemos este taller, que se ha realizado en el CAAC, en el CCCB o en el MNCARS, y que cuenta con el decidido apoyo de la European Cultural Foundation.

El título del taller es “Remezcla Audiovisual: la sociedad fascinada. Desleer, releer y rehacer imágenes mediáticas”. La remezcla está presente en nuestro día a día. La imitación que lleva a cabo un bebé para aprender a hablar, es remezcla. El publicista que ve un vídeo en Youtube y decide desarrollar una nueva idea para un spot. El músico que lee el periódico y rescata una frase para convertirla en canción. El cocinero que piensa un plato mientras ve trabajar a su amigo el jardinero. La remezcla está en todas partes, pero sobre todo, en nuestro cerebro.

La remezcla audiovisual está tan presente que corre el riesgo de convertirse en una moda vacía de contenido dejada en manos de la fascinación por la imagen en movimiento. Pero remezclar no es simplemente “tomar materiales ajenos” o “usar cosas que no son propias” para crear. Cuando remezclas estás asumiendo otras voces y estás “imitando” otras historias que forman parte de nuestra cultura. Y estás deconstruyendo esa cultura, la transformas. En este taller vamos a desenmascarar estereotipos y a trabajar con las imágenes del consumo. En la sociedad del espectáculo, la fascinación que nos provocan las imágenes, no nos dejan ver más allá de la piel de los mensajes. ¿Qué se esconde detrás del discurso del consumo?

La principal tesis de este taller es considerar la remezcla como una herramienta de relectura. Tijeras y pegamento. Cortar y pegar. Versiones y reversionar. Deshacer y rehacer. Desleer y releer. Los poderes fácticos inundan el paisaje mediático con su bucle constante que podría resumirse en: consume o muere. La identidad es un espacio de constante negociación dónde la remezcla puede jugar un papel esencial en la redefinición del yo y del nosotros. Una negociación que debe tener como fin último la crítica, el aprendizaje y la generación de preguntas sobre el sistema en el que vivimos.

Por otra parte y en nuestra experiencia acumulada a través de diversos talleres (impartidos y recibidos), somos conscientes de que el papel del juego es esencial. No hay aprendizaje sin juego, como no puede haber juego sin reflexión. Diseñamos un taller en el que cada día debe practicarse algún aspecto relacionado con la remezcla. Probar, tocar y ensayar.

Por último, cada participante deberá desarrollar un pequeño proyecto audiovisual de un mínimo de un minuto. A partir de la idea de deconstruir un estereotipo relacionado con la sociedad de consumo, cada persona deberá realizar un ejercicio audiovisual donde ponga en práctica lo aprendido en el taller. Ese vídeo formará parte de la media collection de la red Doc Next, como los vídeos resultados del taller del CAAC, entre ellos los de Rocío y Alfonso, que se han terminado proyectando en festivales de la categoría de IDFA, el mes próximo en Amsterdam. La red Doc Next dará visibilidad a los trabajos en toda Europa.

¿Te apuntas?


del 8 al 11 de noviembre, de 17:00 a 21:00
I+CAS – Monasterio de San Clemente (c/ Torneo, 18)
El taller lo impartirá Felipe G. Gil, miembro de ZEMOS98 y autor del blog “Viaje al centro de la remezcla”.
Para quién:
Dirigido a jóvenes realizadores, documentalistas y videoartistas, así como a todo aquel interesado en la crítica cultural a través del uso de los media. El idioma del taller será el español.
Cómo inscribirte:
El aforo será limitado. Inscripción previa e información sobre inscripciones en:


‘Epidermis’ and ‘Political Brands, Empty words’, at IDFA

by rubendiaz

Rocío Trejo Zamorano and Alfonso Alcalá Olmo participated a workshop on political video remix produced by ZEMOS98 in the Andalusian Center of Contemporary Arts, in Sevilla, in March 2011.

As a result they produced two political remix videos: ‘Epidermis‘ and ‘Political Brands, Empty words‘.

These two videos, together with other short films from Turkey, Poland, England and Holland, will be screened prior to long documentaries in the main program of IDFA.

Congratulations to Rocío and Alfonso!

As we already publiched, Felipe and Pablo are attending to the IDFAcademy next to 10 DIY Doc Next media makers.

And now we can say that Rocío and Alfonso’s works are part of the following Doc Next films which have been selected for screening in the main IDFA program:

* Brothers by Emi Mazurkiewicz (19) from Poland. A short film capturing the love, life and imagination of two young brothers.
* I’m looking for Someone by Janusz Kojro (26) from Poland. Polish Internet portals: in a city the size of Warsaw, a reunion of two bystanders statistically happens once only in 17 years.
* Epidermis by Alfonso Alcalá Olmo (27) fom Spain. Video dedicated to all the happy owners of a multiple, alternative and fragmented beauty that is different from the one dictating our markets.
* Laundrette by Alex Neville (21) from the UK. A short contemplative documentary revolving around the late night inhabitants of a launderette. (‘Best Documentary’ BFI Futures Film Festival 2011,
’Official Selection’ Edinburgh International Film Festival 2010,
’Official Selection’ London International Documentary Festival 2011 and ‘Grand Jury Prize’ SoFi Film Festival 2010.)
* Media Deception by Zarah Kanwal, Fatima Patel, Tayyaba Malik, Rumana All, Nasaybah Hussain and Khadeejah Bepari (13-18) from the UK. What do young muslims think of the media?
* Political Brands, Empty Words by Rocío Trejo Zamorano (21) from Spain. A political video-remix about brands and politics.
* View from my window,1968-1979 chronicles by Katarzyna Nalewajka, Ula Klimek, Milosz Hermanowicz, Kamil Radziszewski  and Jakub Piątek from Poland. A remix of 40 pictures of the late Polish photographer Mariusz Hermanowicz, taken from a flat on People’s Army Street nr. 23
* Wires by Jacob Dwyer (23) from the UK. A man is trying to collect his memory on a rooftop via a wire full of photographs of different places. Did the photographs prompt his memory or become his memory?
* Draw me a crisis by Alketa Ramaj (21) from Albania / Greece. How crisis looks like according to Greek people.
* Ebb and Tide by Akile Nazli Kaya (31) from Turkey. A personal immigration story challenging the existing imagery of Turks in Europe.


Besides, we’ll have the Doc Next Mini Cinema: we screen the best of the Doc Next Media Collection in ongoing and thematic video shows, in a mini cinema at the Rembrandtsplein at the heart of the festival (free entrance).


Felipe G. Gil and Pablo Domínguez at IDFAcademy

by rubendiaz

Felipe G. Gil and Pablo Domínguez (both members of ZEMOS98) are participating IDFAcademy together with other eight young media makers from the Doc Next Network.

IDFAcademy offers an exclusive training program during the festival for 150 film students and emerging documentary filmmakers from home and abroad. IDFAcademy 2011 will take place from 17-20 November in the historic heart of Amsterdam. Doc Next offers special workshops custom made for D-I-Y makers.

Felipe is also leading the next audiovisual remix workshop during the Seville European Film Festival.


Felipe G. Gil y Pablo Domínguez (los dos miembros de ZEMOS98) participan en IDFAcademy junto a otros ocho jóvenes realizadores de Doc Next Network.

IDFAcademy ofrece un exclusivo programa de formación durante el festival IDFA para 150 estudiantes de cine y documentalistas emergentes locales y extranjeros. IDFAcademy 2011 tendrá lugar del 17 al 20 de noviembre en el centro histórico de Amsterdam. Nuestra red Doc Next ofrece talleres especiales pensados para realizadores DIY.

Felipe, además, lidera el próximo taller de remezcla audiovisual que realizaremos en el Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla.

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