Doc Next Network

Taller de Remezcla Audiovisual en el SEFF: ¡apúntate!

by rubendiaz

ZEMOS98, gracias al apoyo de la ECF, es esta año institución patrocinadora del Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo (que se celebrará entre el 4 y el 11 de noviembre). Nuestro equipo llevará a cabo un taller sobre remezcla audiovisual entre el 8 y el 11 de noviembre sobre la idea de la sociedad fascinada: desleer, releer y rehacer imágenes mediáticas. La remezcla audiovisual está tan presente que corre el riesgo de convertirse en una moda vacía de contenido dejada en ma- nos de una sociedad fascinada por la imagen en movimiento. ¿Qué se esconde detrás del discurso del consumo?

El taller se encuadra en el foro de industria del festival de Cine (información en PDF).


del 8 al 11 de noviembre, de 17:00 a 21:00
I+CAS – Monasterio de San Clemente (c/ Torneo, 18)
El taller lo impartirá Felipe G. Gil, miembro de ZEMOS98 y autor del blog “Viaje al centro de la remezcla”.
Para quién:
Dirigido a jóvenes realizadores, documentalistas y videoartistas, así como a todo aquel interesado en la crítica cultural a través del uso de los media. El idioma del taller será el español.
Cómo inscribirte:
El aforo será limitado. Inscripción previa e información sobre inscripciones en:


ZEMOS98, thanks to the support of ECF, is this year a sponsor institution of Seville European Film Festival (4th to 11th November). Out team is running an audiovisual remix workshop between 8th and 11th November on the following topic: the fascinated society, (un)reading, (re)reading and (re)making media images. Audiovisual remix is so present that it runs the risk of becom- ing a fashion empty of content left in the hands of a society fascinated by the moving image. What is hidden behind the discourse of consumption?


L’equip petit

by rubendiaz

Some time ago I found this beautiful and moving short film about a team that can’t win a game, or even score a goal. According to what the creators of this short documentary says:

L’equip petit is really as little as the kids of Margatania F.C. In fact, this is not the final project, we hope to be with the team next year shooting during all the championship. This short was originally a demo to show the fathers and mothers of the kids and our closer friends. This isn’t a video made with commercial purposes so thank you very much everybody!

Ivan, Gerard, Nil, Xavier, Ruth, Eduard, Emma, Pol, Haritz, Cristian, Adrià, Dídac, Roger y Martí are the main characters of this story.



by rubendiaz

Bannertube is a collaborative application that tries to expand the significance of global protests through their images. It consists on collecting banner’s slogans that users around the world can upload to twitter and relate them with youtube’s videos through the keywords of the slogan. As a result, heterogenic narrative associations will be generated.

How does it work?
Publish your tweet in this way:

Write the banner’s slogan + add #btube + attach a picture of the banner

It would be automatically added to the Bannertube’s images map.

The slogan’s keywords will be used as tags to relate each banner with a sequence of YouTube videos that will generate a narrative. The arrows appearing on the video allow you to move through the videos related. You can close the banner you are by clicking on the X and then you come back to the mosaic where the banners are hosted.


Remix, VJing, ZEMOS98

by rubendiaz

The remix is an inheritance of a lot of art issues: if you look at the history of collage, if you look at the history of found objetcs of Marcel Duchamp or if you look at what Andy Warhol was doing with appropriating images… now, that happens to become part of the basic idea of youth culture, so the art of the twentieth century becomes the imagination of the 21st century.

Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky, Peter Greenaway, Eclectic Method y Coldcut have a dialogue with ZEMOS98 about the general intellect, remix, social control, TV and VJing.

This video took part of the Please repeat: cultura VJ exhibition.


The sound of the scissors

by rubendiaz

At the end of the seventies, William S. Burroughs used to talk to his pupils at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics about the cut-up technic using some scissors.

He talked about some scissors and not about any other tool, it was an important detail, as far as the writer became a sort of shaman and the process was ritualized.

At least, this is the theory presented in The electronic revolution, a 1970 essay where Burroughs proposes the neutralization of the language making use of cuts, repetitions and crazy descontextualizations. Burroughs tries to delete the link between words and meanings through a sort of tape-recording extraterrestrial intelligence that records and plays rewinding and fast-forwarding sounds in the middle of the mountains.

Deconstructing language, corrupting its rhythm, extracting its meaning, spreading its entrails everywhere. The extraordinary cinematographer from Granada Val del Omar thought that the roughest feature of the language was that “no pain, no gain”. That threatens, corrupts and makes us uniform. And that’s why Val del Omar used the technic of collage as a weapon to express his scientific and poetic ideas. Collage, scissors, burst text, an all-in-one expression.

So I raised my eyes from the (e-)book and wondered why not, why not using video for this?
Why not using Youtube’s virtual scissors editor? And that’s how cut-up experiments were born.

What about you? What are waiting for? Cut up your audiovisual entrails!

This is a very free translation into English from this text written by Malaventura and Pedro Jiménez.


Endless Roads

by rubendiaz

According to the Wikipedia, a longboard is «a surfing variant of a skateboard, similar and related to a surfboard or snowboard with wheels. It is used for cruising, downhill racing, slalom racing, sliding, and/or transport. (…) They usually are designed for the descent of a hill, slides, carves, manual or “dancing” with the board».

A group of longboard girls decided, together with the audiovisual artist Juan Rayos, to carve the mountains. That’s how Endless Roads started, a film that documents the adventure of a trip, portraying the Longboard Girls Crew, their lifestyle and their passion for longboarding: «7 female riders, 1 van, 15 days, 4,300km, 416 GB of raw material… culminating in one video, divided into four chapters» that has been already visited by more than two million users via internet.

We’ll be able to see the first chapter at the end of October. In the meanwhile we can enjoy this exciting and spectacular trailer:


Your wedding day

by rubendiaz

Pedro Jiménez‘s brother, Benito, got married last May, 2011.

One of Pedro Jiménez’s favorite songs is “Your wedding day”, by Las Buenas Noches.

Pedro Jiménez likes appropriationism, amateurism, remixing and re-using found footage.

He filmed in Seville -El Viso del Alcor- and Málaga with a Ektachrome 100D de Kodak film using a 1975 Super8 Chinon 753 camera.

All characters appearing in this work are family and friends; nobody knows they are going to be filmed for a fotogramarrojo, but everyone waves like if it were the first time they are being shot by a camera.


Jonathan McIntosh on Political Remix Video

by rubendiaz

In 2008 we attended Ars Electronica and we got excited after Jonathan McIntosh’s lecture. McIntosh (artist, pop culture hacker and political remix video maker) proposed a conference titled “Building a Critical Culture with Political Remix Video” which inspired us to write our own reflections on political remix and drove us to research on it and follow some of the ideas suggested by McIntosh.

We finally invited him to Seville for ZEMOS98. He told us his audiovisual code source and we also went with him to do it again at MNCARS and CCCB.

As we are working on the idea of remix for the DocNextNetwork, we think it is a great idea to remember his words about his idea of political remix video during the last ZEMOS98 Festival:

Everything is a remix: the Matrix

by rubendiaz

Que Neo siga al conejo blanco; o que sea el elegido; que descubra que está viviendo en la caverna de Platón; o que las máquinas terminen dominando al hombre en el desierto de lo real; todas estas han sido razones para ligar The Matrix con referencias culturales conocidas por todos como Alicia en el país de las maravillas, la Biblia, la filosofía platónica o la inteligencia artificial. Razones para entender la cinta de los hermanos Wachowski como un palimpsesto cultural.

A pesar de no proponer nada nuevo (ni siquiera el efecto «bullet time» era la primera vez que se utilizaba y sus autores reconocieron la fuerte influencia que para ellos había tenido Ghost in the Shell), The Matrix se convirtió a finales de la década de los noventa en toda una referencia para la cultura audiovisual.

Ahora Rob Wilson, como ya hizo con Kill Bill (Quentin Tarantino), explora el código fuente audiovisual de The Matrix para descubrir por qué es una referencia de referencias: everything is a remix.


Nos vamos al Congreso Europeo de la Cultura de Breslavia (Polonia)

by rubendiaz

ZEMOS98 será, junto al arquitecto Santiago Cirugeda y la comisaria de arte Montse Badía, uno de los participantes españoles en el Congreso Europeo de la Cultura, que se celebra entre los días 8 y 11 de septiembre en la ciudad polaca de Breslavia (Wroclaw), elegida Capital Europea de la Cultura en 2016 junto a San Sebastián.

El Congreso Europeo de la Cultura es un evento cultural de primera magnitud internacional que, en cuatro días, condensará exposiciones, conciertos, proyecciones, representaciones teatrales y conferencias con más de 300 artistas e intelectuales entre los que cabe destacar la talla de Zygmunt Bauman, Gianni Vattimo o Umberto Eco, Andrzej Wajda, Brian Eno o Aphex Twin.

ZEMOS98 participa en este prestigioso evento con dos obras audiovisuales de reciente producción: “El sexo sentido”, un cortometraje documental realizado por jóvenes alumnos del IES Profesor Juan Bautista (El Viso del Alcor, Sevilla) y “Tron (versión 15M)”, de Felipe G. Gil, una remezcla política que interpreta el movimiento ciudadano del 15-M. Ambas producciones forman parte de la colección de la red Doc Next Network, que visibiliza puntos de vista alternativos de jóvenes entre 15 y 30 años que permanecen al margen del discurso de los medios de comunicación dominantes.

ZEMOS98 es socio de Doc Next Network (, una red internacional de productores, investigadores y educadores independientes europeos. Esta red es una iniciativa de la European Culture Foundation ( y su programa Youth&Media, de la que también forman parte, junto a ZEMOS98, las organizaciones “ę”
Creative Initiatives Association (Polonia), el British Film Institute (Reino Unido), Metropolis TV (Holanda), Mode Istambul (Turquía) y el Festival Internacional de Documentales de Amsterdam (IDFA).

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